Board of Education Announces New Interim Superintendent for Remainder of 2024-2025 School Year

Prior to the first day of school in September 2024, the Liverpool Central School District Board of Education asked Mr. Douglas Lawrence to step into the Interim Superintendent role, with the mutual understanding that Mr. Lawrence wished to return to his Deputy Superintendent position prior to April. The Board is immensely grateful to Mr. Lawrence for his steadfast leadership – stepping into the interim superintendent role at an important time for our District.

Therefore this evening, the Board of Education will appoint a new Interim Superintendent of Schools for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year. The Board is pleased to announce that Mr. Brian Nolan – a veteran school administrator with decades of experience and a wealth of knowledge in public K-12 education – will be serving as Interim Superintendent through the end of the school year (June 30, 2025), or later if extended by the Board. The Board anticipates formally approving the contract at the March 10, 2025 regular meeting with Mr. Nolan officially starting on March 11, 2025.

Employed by Syracuse City School District for most of his career, Mr. Nolan has served as chief district administrator of high schools, principal of several secondary schools; and in retirement, multiple interim chief executive positions. We are quite confident that he will be a positive, stabilizing force for good in our school district.

The Superintendent Search is well underway, with the search consultants collecting a wide array of stakeholder feedback through the community survey, numerous focus group sessions, and the opportunity to send feedback directly to the search consultants. All this information is being gathered and presented to the Board, in full; and will be used in building the desired “Leadership Profile” of the next Superintendent of Schools, a profile unique to Liverpool CSD.

If you still have feedback you would like to provide regarding what’s important in choosing our next Superintendent of Schools, please reach out directly to the lead search consultant, Mr. Ed McCormick of Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates, by email,; or by cell, 845-264-1222. The feedback of each and every stakeholder is important to the Board of Education in this process.

The application process currently is open and the position has been advertised in a variety of ways, including the important professional associations like NYS Council of School Superintendents and NYS School Boards Association. The first round of candidate interviews with the Board will be scheduled for mid to late April. Final round interviews will likely be in early May.

We will continue to send out updates in the form of press releases and notices to the community. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the search process, contact the full Board of Education at or BOE President Nick Blaney at; or contact the lead search consultant, Ed McCormick, at
Board of Education
Liverpool Central School District