RCK Students End Busy September with a Movie Night

  • Students at Ruth C. Kinney Elementary School had a busy September, out and about learning about Long Island and more. The entire third grade took their yearly trip to Safety Town, while fourth graders visited the Fire Island Lighthouse. 

    “Our fourth graders are learning about Long Island history, including the Savannah, which wrecked off Long Island in 1821,” Principal Janet Jones said. “The attendant at the lighthouse commented on how well behaved and knowledgeable the students were.”

    To end the month, RCK held an indoor movie night on Sept. 28, hosted by the school’s PTA. 

    “President Multeri and the PTA committee members created a fun and memorable event for over 100 students on a rainy September evening,” Jones said. 

    Date Added: 10/2/2023